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Monday, 11 February 2013

It just keeps getting worse

Last week we had the sad task of putting Veronica to sleep. She was old and very frail , and she spent her last day outside in the sunshine with her friends , but eventually she just couldn't carry on  .

Today Aberlour is looking very similar. I put Veronicas fast decline down t old age and the weather , since the vets could find nothing wrong with her , but now I really am wondering . I've treated him for fluke and barber's pole , given vits and antibiotics , and now we just have to pray that this is enough and not too late .

This is a  short blog , 'cos I just cant bear any more !


Rosemary said...

Thoughts are with you - I know what it's like. Hope Aberlour responds to treatments.

Andrew said...

tough times. i don't envy you in the least. Andy

Unknown said...

So sorry Suzanne...I feel exactly the same.. lost one on Saturday and losing one now...I need to blog but cant see through the tears xx

Judi B said...

So sorry Suzanne...we too have recently lost our oldest girl, the herd matriarch and it feels like losing a good friend. Keeping everything crossed that Arberlor pulls through. We all need a few sunny days.

Unknown said...

After throwing everything at him - flukiver, antibiotics , iron , vits - Aberlour is looking perkier , he has just polished off a huge bowl of sugarbeet and is munching hay . Not standing yet , so tomorrow ( I hope ) we will have to lift him and make him use his legs a bit . Hoping he makes it through to tomorrow

A Country Chicken said...

I'm so very sorry. I really do hope that Aberlour picks up soon.

Karen Oglesby - Meon Valley Alpacas said...

Oh dear, that sounds sad. Hope things improve soon. x

Judi B said...

Hoping that poor Arbelour pulls through. We too have lost an alpaca recently and know just how sad you must be feeling. xx

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and hoping you're doing much better.