Beginning to get just a little sick of all this water - on the plus side I don't have to worry about water pressure in the house , and I promise not to moan in May when we have run out .
The alpacas are looking a little soggy ( understatement) but are happy to come in at dusk to some lovely hard standing , warm stables and full hay racks ! The chickens are enjoying the extra protection of all those lovely flock guards as well.
Yesterday I noticed a swelling on Cerys , close to an injection site I think , undoubtedly an abscess , so I have anti biotics ready to go , and am hoping that it will burst all by itself. Cerys is tricky to deal with on a good day , have a very good line in sharp kicks - mostly I expect them , so she hasn't managed to do any harm yet , but it does make the idea of rinsing out a draining abscess just a little less positive ! Fingers crossed that it bursts very shortly , my limited experience ( thank god ! Only 2 in 10 years ) and much reading suggest that they will do better if allowed to find a natural pathway out rather than being lanced..
Laying is beginning to get established for a few hens , and gradually most of the girls will come back on line and we will be swamped with eggs again!
The mild weather has confused the wild flowers , and already the snowdrops are coming through and the daffodils are not far behind . We will have to start thinking about planting a couple of trees soon , I know it's the wrong time of year , but sadly our 18 year old cat died yesterday and the boys would like to bury her under a willow tree , since Willow was her name . I think that's rather lovely so wrong time of year or not , we will be planting a commerative tree to help remember her by .
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