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Tuesday, 18 November 2008

the weather is coming...

the latest weather reports suggest that the cold weather is coming soon and could last for a week or two . I love cold and crisp , but this could seriously challenge my minimal heating regime. Yes , we are still managing on log burners and not much more , but I have almost reached maximum dressing and if it gets as cold as predicted then I don't really know what to do next. We are already using hot water bottles at bedtime with hot chocolate ( in mugs , of course ) and there is no heating in the bedrooms , kids are already thinking about bobble hats except for #3 son who insists that a dressing gown sans pj's is quite sufficient . Even DH is wearing full length trousers which doesn't normally happen until Dec!

The animals should be fine , alpaca are OK until it hits about minus 6 , and the chickens will just huddle up more with extra straw at bedtime .

Pretty determined not to give in on the central heating front , but ask me again after the weekend LOL.


Eliane said...

Hmmm. We have guests this weekend. Or a guest. So I may be relaxing the no central heating at all rule too!

Claire MW said...

My chickens are a bit cross because every morning the water is frozen again. Soon enough we'll be down into the minus 20 C range for weeks at a time and then they'll really know what cold is all about. This minus 5 C weather is nothing to complain about yet! But I confess to you, my central heating is already active. I guess I'm a bit soft...