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Sunday, 10 May 2009

what a weird weekend

Actually it's just today that has been weird !

Started well , with a friend for coffee while all the boys were at football practice. Then a spot of riding with DS#3 and it began to go wrong ! We got home from a fab ride on a beautiful hot day and had a quick cuppa - then out to vaccinate some of the girls and boys with anti-Blue tongue vaccine . Could I get the girls to come in ? could I heck - they wandered around tantalisingly close to the catch pen but wouldn't come in for love nor feed . After an hour of wheedling and begging on my part , just as I gave up , amidst a lot of cursing and unprintable language ( DS #3 was shocked ) they just wandered in and set to eating their treats ( which I really don't feel they deserved ) cool as cucumbers.

Fine . Injections administered - DH had the sense to be supremely helpful and adept for a change _ he sensed my temper was at it's outer limits .

Next , I had a mating to get done . Collected Bozedown West from his filed , and had a pleasant walk along the bridle path and up the back steps through the garden to our temporary mating pen ( the builders are working too close to the usual pen ) . Hermione took one look and vaulted clean out of the pen , which has rails 5ft high . DH refused to grab her and haul her back in case she kicked him - I pointed out she cant kick with 2 feet of the floor to no avail - but she was away . At this point the pigs woke up and snorted - West freaked and managed to cut his lip on the gate post that he ran into , not a bad cut more of a graze . Anyway, he went into a stable to calm down whilst we set about rounding up Herminoe AGAIN. Eventually I lost it and went in to cook Sunday dinner - the kids were getting hungry and we were all fractious . After dinner , I went out and called the girls and they trotted in like little lambs . Finally we were going to be OK, but West was still completely freaked by the pigs and refused to have anything to do with Hermione . After 10 mins coaxing I gave up . A completely fruitless exercise , and we will have to re-think the pigs ....

And then , the last of 4 uninvited visitors who I have never met before arrived to ask if I kept llamas . Actually , she was very nice , and I promised to find a contact for her . What an odd day its been

On the plus side we have 13 chicks hatched today
On the down side Kirsty has still not produced , 362 days today!

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