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Thursday, 6 August 2009

Would you believe it ?!

The last day or two Berlioz has been reluctant to take a bottle , needing first to be caught and then persuaded that it is a good idea , which is contrary to what has been happening up until now ; previously he has run up to me to be fed , has needed no persuading and has sunk the lot ! Yesterday I managed to secure the last bag of lamblac milk powder at huge expense to get us throu to weaning , and guess what .... Riva has started to produce some milk ! Not enough to stop the extra feeds completely , but enough to make up a decent proportion of his daily need ! Would you credit it ! Of course , I am really pleased , and hope it continues - who can explain them ,eh ?

Athena is no longer limping, after a good look I could find no obvious problems and concluded it must be a sprain , maybe putting her foot in a mole hill or something , but now she is fine and I didn't even have to call the vet.

Me and my shadow !
Bourbon(r) and Bilbo

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

it is so beautiful where you live! I have been admiring your pictures- everything is so green!!! It's all dead here, except for my flowers garden on my deck. Of course, dead here means golden color so I shouldn't complein! But fire season is upon us... scary stuff. Where do you live?
Enjoying your blog :))