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Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Prayers please , or at the very least crossed fingers!

What an afternoon !About 4 pm I went to get the mums in for their afternoon tea - extra rations for mums - and as the herd advanced to be sorted into eating and 'not eating' Binky didn't come with them . At first she looked like she was enjoying a spot of sunbathing , but in a twinkling of an eye it became clear that we were in a very bad zone. She was almost cushed , but sitting on one side like they do when they are heavily pregnant , but she is only 14 months and not bred yet, she didn't even attempt to stand and paid no attention as the herd headed to pastures new without her. PANIC. I pushed her into a cush , and knew that with all the flies around her she must be ill- CALL THE VET.

The vet arrived within 40 mins , meanwhile I had a clean bucket of water which she had manged to stand to drink ( good sign ) but had dreadful scouring ( bad sign) , she also looked a bit bloated - my first thought was burst ulcer , peritonitis etc. and so was the vet's! Not hopeful. He ran some fecals-no worm burden- and other bloods which indicated a serious infection . Penicillin was already on board , but he rang to say that if this was cow or a horse he would recommend euthanasia . Finally , he came to have a final look and do what had to be done - and Binky was hard to catch in the field! She looked perkier and a stomach puncture relieved a little gas and she belched a few times , even began to eat a little Camelibra . We decided to hold off until tomorrow - antacid and pain relief were administered , and she trotted off to join the herd. I have hand fed her some hay and she was last seen munching on the grass.

Time will tell - if she is still with us in the morning we stand a chance ..... pray , dance , cross what ever you can, I would so like a little miracle please


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

It is horrible when you realise you are not going to like what you are approaching. Good luck, I have everything crossed.

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

Oh I hope things turn out o.k., it sure is a good sign that she is up and about and eating. Crossing fingers and praying for good news tomorrow!!

Rosemary said...

Oh, so sorry, Suzanne - praying and fingers crossed like mad!
Our Sherbert went just like that last year - it was frothy bloat and she recovered after vast quantities of gas were let out of her stomach - do hope you have a quick recovery whatever the cause.

Sid and Pat said...

I hope your miracled happened, Good Luck.

Patou Alpacas said...

Everything crossed down here too. Good luck.

Lois Evensen said...

I hope all is better by now and that I find another post after this one with good news.

I'm catching up while I have a connection that allows download of your and other blogs. The rest of the week is via satellite that doesn't allow many pages to load before timing out.