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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Chickens are not as stupid..

as Turkeys! Our turkey is lovingly trying to hatch 15 plums that she has gathered on the compost heap! She is very protective of her plums and attacked DH when he picked her up to put her to bed . In theory if Turkeys could hatch plum jam I would be thrilled ( we have tons of plums this year) but what I can't get my head round is how she's going to get the jam into the jars ....?


Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

Tooo funny!! poor Turkey...can you find her some eggs of whatever to hatch?

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...


Lois Evensen said...

:)) Love it! That turkey must be sooo confuuuused!

Eliane said...


Unknown said...

Feel free to send her my way after she figures that one out!!! LOL

Jennifer said...

lol. poor thing. Turkeys are not the genetic winners :)

Alica said...

I just found your blog when browsing today...very interesting! I had to chuckle when I tried to picture your turkey trying to hatch some plums! :)