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Wednesday, 4 November 2009

cold wet rain !

there is something about having to go out in the rain , when it is cold and dark , that adds insult to injury!Currently , I am having to go out every evening at about 7.30 to feed Berlioz, he is usually pretty pleased to see me which makes it better , but yesterday the weather was so bad that he wouldn't even get up ' no way my patch of grass is getting wet '! so I had to crouch and feed him sitting down , now that is decadent !

It is beginning to get colder during the day as well , and so far we have resisted switching on the heating , last year we managed without central heating well into November , maybe even early December , but this year I don't have my little green friend ( actually very tall green friend ) to spur me on to greater things - no , she has bailed out to warmer climes , and I am not sure that my resolve will be as strong without a healthy dose of competition ! On the plus side , the new house will be loads warmer than it was last year , we have had the maximum amount of insulation put in in every room ! Financially , it made a huge difference last year , and whilst we are having a fire every evening , we haven't had to buy in wood yet , so free heat ! We will have to buy in soon - alot of the wood we have stored won't really be good to burn until next year . Anyway , it seems that DH 'd plaintive cry that I had't been ill yet has jinxed me , and now I am ! Not as bad as the rest of the family was ( but they are all men) , but still not 100% , and so I had a couple of hours sleep during the day after my physio , and I shall have an early night whilst I watch the new series of 'Spooks'.


Tom White said...

My main reason for moving to California was to avoid freezing to death in the winter like we did last year due to Eliane's heating "experiment".

I'm sure your new house will feel very snug though. Get well soon!


Eliane said...

I have a confession. Not only is it gloriously sunny here - summer dress weather - but I also used a tumble dryer. Oh the shame and horror. What penance can I do? And sorry about the weather.

Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

Eliane , your green footprint has gone out the window since you moved - gas guzzler , tumble dryer , what have the yanks done to you ?!

Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

ps - how did you manage to work it !!?