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Monday, 17 November 2008

A little bit wiser ( but not much!)

Vaccinations went smoothly - too smoothly for Dh , who was seen to 'ski ' behind a couple of powerful girls before getting a good hold , luckily he skiied throu' the poo on his feet not his face as in all good vet shows , but nonetheless quite entertaining .

Took thee oppurtunity to do a couple of preg test and got one definte positive ( West is nursing a sore jaw after a particulaly well aimed kick from Cerys , she was such a nice baby) and one positively negative from Hermione who showed way to much interest in West and was very quick to sit for him when the time camr - littel hussey. However, seriously , that isa disappointment but not an unexpected one , she didn't hold a pregnancy last year and we put it down to being a maiden and possibley not too much effort at the stud . I am convinced that she has been pregnant at least twice this year and re-absorbed on both occassions , so next spring she will be back to her breeder for investigations and either a firm pregnancy or a swap for another alpaca . The breeders won't be too fazed by this , they are a big farm and it happens occassionaly , but may be simple problem easily fixed with a hormone jab ?!



Claire MW said...

Sometimes I have a difficult time figuring out the size of alpacas compared to llamas. I looked at the picture of dear Hermione and I can't sort out if she is sort of large sheep sized with a tall neck, or much closer to a llama size (i.e. small horse).

Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

Hi Claire,
I would say that Hermione is about my height - 5' 3" , she is much bigger than a sheep , and average size for an alpaca, I do have a suri alpaca who is possibley a foot taller and very strong !

Claire MW said...

Thanks Suzanne! She is much bigger than I thought! I'm 5'10" and look the llamas roughly in the eye, although their ears are taller than me!