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Thursday, 1 January 2009

Musings at the turn of the year

Well 2009 has finally started , although it hardly seems a year since 2008 started . All in all it has been a good year on balance . We have acquired 6 new alpaca - some bought some bred - and lost one ( RIP Pudding ) .
We have successfully hatched alot of chicks ( 12 ) and still have more of them than Mr Fox ! and our flock has survived colds and sicknesses and is still laying well . With the help of good friends we have constructed shelter for the alpaca ( ' thou the ingrates still won't use it often ) and with support and encouragement as well as some great modifications from many friends we have improved our fencing and pastures , dug our first fruit beds , raised and eaten some fab pigs and had help with the care and rearing of our children , made new friends , oh , and visited much loved family in the USA, what more can you ask !
There have been trials along the way, notably the death of Pudding , and some friends who did not prove too be as good as we once believed , but as year's go it has been good .
And so to 2009 - #4 son starts school full time in a week , and we have more alpaca cria to look forward to in the spring, the PTA is taking a back seat for a while , and my riding is coming along well ( I think ) , we have a holiday booked with dear friends in the summer and a family wedding to look forward to .... all in all it looks like 2009 could be good as well - watch this space!!

1 comment:

Claire MW said...

All the best for 2009 - sounds like some good things will be happening! I'm watching this space for sure! We have our first llama cria due in February, we think. That will make an exciting moment for us.