I know it was fatal , but I had actually begun to believe that the spring was here- Oh no ! Yesterday we had the lot , sun throu' to snow all in one day. The animals can't make head nor tail of it and are getting quite confused - in the barn out of the barn , sunbathe or shelter from the snow , the hens are finding it hardest since they are not really very bright and routine is routine - no sooner have they worked out where to lay and where to scratch than it snows and they have to change plans , not easy for a bird with a brain the size of a pea, thou I do find it amusing to watch them trying to work out where their nesting box ' I'm sure it was here yesterday , but now it's just a pile of snow ??'
The alpaca are doing much better, althou having lost the nightly routine of retreating to the barn during the longer periods of snow , they are keener to rough it out during smaller flurries. The birthing paddock is nearly ready for them to move into , a few more days of good sun would see a really nice field of good grass which would be a fab start, you can almost see the grass growing and stopping " lovely and warm we should grow a bit more , Oh shit snow ..stop stop" but a couple of more weeks and then I shall move all the pregnant girls in , I'm really pleased that we didn't plan any cria for March 'cos it would worry me to death! Bozedown Kirsty is the first expected mum and is looking the size of a small house so may be close to her due date in mid-April , thou I did say that last time and she went 2 weeks over, I was a nervous wreck!

Boz Veronica is looking happier with life and we haven't had a recurrence of the tooth problem , and Athena is just the most beautiful animal with a lovely nature to match, it helps that she is black cos I love the colours .
The time for Blue Tongue vaccinating is fast approaching and I have ordered my vaccine - it truly is a terrible disease and if the summer is good it may well rear it's ugly head in the UK and I want to be sure my animals are protected ( sermon over).
The house is doing well , and some of my more anal friends cannot believe that I haven't chosen a kitchen or bathrooms or doors .....the list is long , but I truly haven't and i feel that maybe I should get on with it, but life is always so busy - with the school summer fair planning in full swing , animal jobs to do , and 4 kids , bathrooms have not really had a look in but I must do it soon so that the builders know where to put pipes and things.
Oh , and my broody hens eggs should start to hatch tomorrow if she has done a good job , so I will probably waste a large portion of tomorrow checking for chicks !